Like most boys his age, my son Christopher has an active imagination that often takes shape while he sleeps. Here is a collection of his most recent dreams in his own words:
(Adventure) "My family was flying in a small cargo plane. We were the only people on board, but the plane was also carrying bees going to China. It was flying nonstop to Beijing. Over Tokyo, we jumped out wearing parachutes. We landed in the city. We stayed in Tokyo for two weeks then flew back in a different cargo plane, also nonstop. We jumped out over the runway in Boston. (The plane was going to London to deliver Chinese tea and art.) As we landed on the runway, a jet came speeding toward us. We ducked in fear. Luckily, it took off just before reaching us. It flew right above our heads. I felt relieved."
(Fear) "A preschooler with long, brown hair who I didn't know came to my second-grade class on Halloween dressed as a clown. The next day, still in her clown costume, she chopped down a seventy-foot oak tree near my classroom. The tree crushed the room with everyone in it. We all screamed. We were studying social studies. I went up to a girl and asked why she chopped down the tree. She said she didn't know what to wear that day. She chose a clown costume because it was so colorful. She wanted to wear red to match the blood. But since no one was hurt, there was no blood. I was grateful to wake up."
(Teamwork) "Charlie and I were walking down a rocky path when we saw a monster coming. It was tall, brown, and had big claws, red eyes, and not much hair. It didn't make any noise. My little brother was scared, but I wasn't. Bottles of chocolate and strawberry syrup were on the path, so we picked them up and started squirting the monster. It did not get angry, but it was surprised to be squirted. When we ran out of syrup, we started climbing the monster's body. I poked it in the eye with my finger. Then Charlie climbed up to its head and pulled what little hair it had. I climbed down one arm and pinched the monster's wrist while Charlie climbed down the other arm and bit its hand. The monster exploded, throwing us onto the path. We weren't hurt, so we kept walking. I felt brotherly love."
(Empowerment) "I was at the ski area we went to over winter vacation. At the top of the mountain, two snowboarders came over. One said: "Looks like somebody is going down the mountain with broken bones." Then he pushed me hard into the snow. That made me mad. I was not going to be bullied, so I kicked him hard with one of my skis. Both he and his friend lost their their balance and fell backward down the mountain. I felt victorious."
(Gratification) "I was at school, and my class was going to the book fair in the lobby. When I got there, I looked for the Captain Underpants books and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. But no books were for sale. All of them were locked inside display cases. I wondered why the school would have a book fair with no books for sale. So a friend and I asked the lady at the cash register. She told us to go look at the horseshoe at the end of the hallway signed by Jeff Kinney, the author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. My friend and I ran down the hallway. Suddenly, it turned into a steep hill. We had trouble getting down the wet grass, but we reached the horseshoe at the bottom. I felt happy."
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